Hotel, Travel and Outdoor

Do you have ideas for products, services, or business models that could make travel, hotels, and enjoying the outdoors more inclusive and eco-friendly? We'd love to hear them! Join our challenge now and be a part of the solution!


Start of round three of the Hotel, Travel and Outdoor Experiences Challenge

At the end of the second round, FRANCIS received XXX idea proposals. XXX teams were invited to proceed to the third round. In the third round, the remaining teams receive targeted and individual support in developing their prototype based on their concept.

In addition to a comprehensive prototyping set for creating simple demonstrations of their solution, participants receive a further financial grant for their ongoing commitment.

Selection Criteria

FRANCIS will do a pre-check of all proposals in Round One. It will be based on two questions.


Is the proposal complete?

  • Were all boxes filled out correctly?


Does the proposal fit the challenge scope? 

  • How well does the idea match the task description?
  • Is it specifically relevant for one of the target groups and/or target countries of the project?
  • Is it frugal, i.e. simple, affordable and sustainable?


The FRANCIS jury will then use the following criteria to decide which proposals proceed to the final Round and what the final ranking will be.

Please keep them in mind, when you describe your proposal.

  • Innovation:

    How innovative is the solution, is it something new compared to existing solutions?

  • Feasibility:

    How easy is it to turn the idea into a solution (device, service, etc.)? What are the chances that the solution will stay on the market and reach many consumers?

  • Impact:

    What is the potential impact of the idea on society and/or nature? How big is the impact?

  • Clarity:

    How well is the idea and its potential impact described? Is it easy to understand?